Monday, August 13, 2007



My first impression was how good can an Asian Restaurant be in an area that is a bland as Vanilla icecream? Well this little hot spot on Union Street proved me wrong. The overaly down trendy boutiques were stale compared to this restaurant. With that said I can see why some love this area nestled close to the Marina. The atmosphere of Betelnut was high energy, techno playing in the background, the tables intimately close to your neighbor; you almost wanted to reach over and try their food.

Before you read on, do no order the entrees!! Order the apps and starters, they are half the price and the same size. This way you can try more dishes for the same money. The dishes are considered "family style" no not Italian Family Style; I asked. The dishes are small, and come out when they are ready. It is almost like a SURPRISE!

With all that said, you still should try the Pork Entree, wrap the pork, carrots and cucumbers in the lettuce leaves. YUM YUM!! The spring rolls were fried, but not too greasy. The scallops with coconut rice cakes had a spice to them. My dark and stormy drink was great the first time and the second time.

I would go back to Betelnut, but not on a weekend, the area is not my flavor.

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